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My 1st DXpedition (W4T) was to the Dry Tortugas on Garden Key Island, May 4-6, 2015 EL84, IOTA NA-079, USi FL-135.


It was so much fun, I'm planning on going back in Jan of 2016.


Check out my Blog and Photo Gallery for more details.


73's mike


Thanks for stopping by and checking out my web pages. I look forward to sharing my most recent activities and adventures here with you. I'm usually on 20 meters and looking at doing more QSO's while backpacking with my KX3 and buddipole.

My Station

My main rig backpacking is the KX3 with a a Buddipole Vertical at 8 ft with ground radials. I use Goal Zero Sherpa 100 batteries with Nomad 20 solar panells.

My Stuart

Here is my M5A1 Stuart.. It is a 1944 unit and served in the Europeand Theater during WWII. After the war, it was sold to the Portugese Army and from there it ended up in the Canadian Army where it was used to train tankers up to about 1985. Next it went to Georgia, then North Carolina and finally arrived in Iowa.


II started flying in 1973 and have flown Cessna 150's, 170's, 180's, a Mooney with retracable gear, Piper Archer, and a Super Cub with floats.

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Latest Project: SCR 599 Radio Shelter

Found this radio shelter in Greece in a junk yard. Looking forward to getting it fully restored with the CCKW and operational later this year. Will keep you posted on the progress.

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