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Mike Howard, WA0SPG

I have several interests and hobbies and are listed below. I like to be busy and love the outdoors. So many of my interests/hobbies center around activities that can get me outdoors.

Amateur Radio

I recieved my Novice License in 1965 as WN0SPG. By 1967, I received my General Class License as WA0SPG. My Extra Class was obtained in 2012. 73's mike


Started Flying Lessons at the Harlan Airport in 1974. Got my private license later that year. Got my Instrument Rating in 2009. Have flown Cessna 152's, 172's, Mooney retractable, Cherokee Archer and some Seaplane in a Super Cub.

Military Vehicles

Currently trying to get a Dragon Wagon finished along with a couple of Radio trucks from WWII.


I enjoy any type of hike weather it is a short 1 hour trek or several days. My hope is to be able to do some long distance Thru Hikes on the PCT, Ice Age, NCT, or the AT.

Retired Paramedic

After 911, I joined the Elk Horn, IA Volunteer Fire Dept. Soon after joining, I became a EMT-B, than advanced to a EMT-I and finallly a EMT-P. I thouroughly enjoyed serving as a Paramedic for our community and miss the runs with the squad.

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