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Current Activities

These are some of the current activities that I'm involved in. Check out my Photo Gallery and Blog to see past activities and adventures. Enjoy!

Amateur Radio


I will be going back to Fort Jefferson on the Dry Tortuga's on Jan 17/18 for a short overnight camping trip there. Will be operating HF only this time, mostly on 20 meters.


Currently have a Friend who is going to take his Technician License and looking forward to helping him.


Will be participating in the Winter Field Day activities this year.

Military Vehicles


Will be doing some work on the Stuart soon. Has a major oil leak when I moved it for winter storage in a heated building.


Will also be working on the SCR radio truck as well.





Latest Adventures


Looking forward to some snow so I can do some Winter Camping this year. Also looking forward to new and exicting travels with my Beutiful and Wonderful wife Lou.

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